Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Post 2: The Skyspheres & the Ice Creams

The first assignment in my animation class was to make a skysphere and so I did. I mapped out a panorama of a rainy desert setting onto a sphere and rendered the following images. It's quite moody, but I couldn't help it. Hurricane Hermine WAS wreaking havoc on central Texas the night I worked on this.

I'm not sure if it's just the image, but the road in this rendered image looks kind of strange. Or maybe not. Maybe it's just me.

It turned out pretty good, ya?

Also, just for funsies, I tried to make an ice cream cone. I took a blueberry ice cream texture, mapped it onto a sphere and duplicated it to make a double scoop! Then, I tried to make a sort of waffle texture but failed. I tried to use like checker patterns and stuff, but it didn't turn out. It's just a brown cone. Oh well. At least it looks something like one. Not bad for the first time using Maya ever.

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